Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Swan

The swan is a large graceful water bird. The tame swan is very gentle when it is young, it is grey and does not look pretty. When it is full-grown, it is as white as snow. The beauty of the swan lies in its snow-white color. It has a long thin neck by means of which it can reach its food without diving. The swan likes to swim on the water of streams and ponds. It has web-feet. like all other water-bird , it can swim well with the help its web feet. The swan lives on the seeds, leaves and roots of water- plants. It builds its nest on the ground among the bushes and tall grass near the water. It is made up of dry sticks or rushes. The swan lays its eggs in the nest. As soon as the young ones are hatched, they run to the water. They can swim as well as the adults. They need no training for this.

My favourite Game

My favourite game is a football. I play it every day with my friends. Now days, it is a popular game in our country. It is played in every art of our country. It is played in towns  as well as village. The game is played with a leather ball.  Inside the ball, there is a robber bladder. Air is pumped into bladder with an air pump. The game is played on a level ground. The ground is 100 yard long and 55 yard broad. The ground is divided into two sides. All the end of each side, there is a goal-post. The game is played between two teams. Each team consists of eleven players. There are five forwards, three half- backs, two full-backs and a goal-keeper on each side. The forwards try to kick the ball into the goal-post of the opposite party, while the backs and the goalkeeper try to save goals. There is a referee to supervise the game game. He is helped by two linesmen. The game is played for 90 minutes. There is a break for 10 minutes. the team that scores more goals than the other wine the game. Sometimes, no goal is scored by either side, or both side, score an equal number of goals. In such cases, the game is said to be drawn.

My Daily Life

I am a student. My daily life is very simple. I get up early in the morning. I wash my hands and face. Then I go ot for a walk. I walk for half an hour. The morning walk refreshes me. I come back and take my breakfast. I eat an egg and drink a cup of tea. Then I sit down to prepare my homework. I read for two hours. After finishing my study, I was myself and take my food. I put on my school dress and go school. I reach school punctually. I like to sit on the first bench i attend school regularly. I am very attentive in the class. I wash myself and take my food. I put on my school dress and go school. i listen carefully to what the teachers say. There are some naughty boys in my class. I do not like them. I mix with good boys. After the fourth period, we have a recess for half an hour i go to the reading- room and read  book or a magazine. I do not like to waste my time. This is my daily life. I try to utilize every day. Time is very valuable for us. We should not waste it.

My School

I read in the Sudur Paschimanchal Higher Secondary School. It is one of the oldest schools of our country. This school was established in the year 1995 v.s. It is named after Pushpraj Joshi. He was a one share holder. The School has two buildings. One of the them is three storeyed. It is a old building. Close to it, there is a small building. It is a new building. Between the two buildings, there is a play ground. We play foot ball, volleyball, basketball and badminton. Every year we have sports competitions. The school has ten classes from class I to class X. There are about three hundred students in the school. There are thirty-five  students in my class. The class- rooms are neat and clean. There are fifteen teachers in the school. Most of them are graduates. Some of them are trained teachers. They teach us well. The Headmaster is an experienced teacher. He is very kind to us.


We require many things for daily use. One of these thing is paper. It is very essential to us. We cannot do without paper.It is used in schools, campuses offices, shops,and factories. It is a common and cheap thing. In ancient times, there was no paper. People used to write on the bank and leaves of certain trees. In Egypt, they wrote on the  leaves of  the papyrus plant. The word paper comes from papyrus. In India, they wrote on the leaves of the palm and the birch tree. Writing was difficult in ancient times.Paper is generally made of soft wood. It is also made of bamboo, grass, rags and waste paper. These things are changed into pulp. The pulp is spread into thin sheets and dried. Then it is cut into various sizes. This paper is white. Sometimes, a dye is mixed with the pulp, and paper becomes coloured. Paper is made by machines in factories.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Water is very common thing. We do not have to pay for it. It is one of the most essential things. We cannot live without water. No life on this earh is  posssible without it. All plants and animals require water. Water is plentiful on this earth. Two thirds of the surface of the earrth are covered with water. Water can be obtained from various sources. We get water from wells, tanks, springs, rivers and seas. We also get water from rains. Scientiest say that water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen gasses. Water contains two parts of hydrogen and one part of oxygen. Water is colouries and odourless. Water is a liquid. It is also found in the solid and the gaseous from. Ice is the solid from of water, and vapour is the gaseous from. Water is a good solvent. It can dissolve many ssubstances. ordinary water contains sme salts and minerals. The taste of water.


We all like to drink milk. It is consiodered to be a perfect food. Infants live on milk only. They drink their mother's milk. Milk is a nourishing food. It builds up our health. Milk is used by people in every part of the world.Milk is white in colour. We get milk from different animals. We drink the milk of the cow and the bufffalo. We are aalso drink the goats milk. The Arabs drink the camel's milk. We generally drink fresh milk. Sometimes, we use conndensed or powered milk. We obtain condensed and powered milk from other countries. In Europe and America, people drink cold milk. They obtain milk from dairies. This milk is well-preserved. We generally drink boiledd milk. Boiled milk is free from germs. Boiled milk shouldd not be kept for a long time. We sweeten milk with sugar. Milk is very good for health. If we drink milk daily, our health becomes good.

The Dog

The dog is the Domestic animal. We keep him in our houses. Some dogs are free. They live in the streets. Street dogs are harkful. We do not find street dogs in many country. The dog is fund in all parts of th eworld. There are different kinds of dogs. Some dog are costly The dog eats meat, bread and rice. he also drinks milk. The dog is found of bones. His  teeth are very sharp. The dog is useful animal. He guard our houses He barka at strangers. He warms us of our thieves and robberts. He does not sleep soundly. He wakes up at the slightest sound. The dog is a great enemy of the cat. He keeps our houses free from cats. The dogs power of smell is very great. For this reason he is used in huntiong and detecting and criminals. He is a good companion of hunters and a great helper of policemen.

The Horse

The Horse is a domestic animal. He is found in many countries. Some horses are smal, some  big. Small horses are called ponies. The Arabian horses are famous. They can run very fast. The horse eats grass, hay and grains. He requires great care . He requires great care. He should be fed and groomed well. The place where he is kept is called a stable. The stable should be cleaned daily. We use the horse for ridiong. We sit on the saddle and hold the reins in our hands. The horse runs fast and can travell a long distance. In ancient times, the horse was the fastest means of traveling. Some horses are used in races. Race horses are very costly. The horse is also used for carrying loads. He can carry heavy loads.The horse is also used for drawing carriages. Before the invention of the motor car, carriage were very popular. 

The Cow

The cow is a domestic animal. We keep her in our house. She is not a wild animal. She found in all parts of the world. We respect the cow. We worship her as a godness. We consider her Laxmi. She is the holiest of animals. She is our National animal.There are different kinds of cow. some cows are small, some big. The cow of our country are small. We do not take good care of the cow in the nothern part of our country, a small kind of cow is found. She is called the yak. The cow eats grass and hay. She also eats grain. She eats her food in a peculiar way. First, she swallow the food then she sits at rest, bring the food back to her mouth and chew it slowly. This is caled chewing the cud.The cow is the useful animal. She gives us milk.